Saturday, September 28, 2013

Story #1, Chapter 3: The Guard

niccca: OMG Lavornia u so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but tell me, how the guard looked like? what did he say to you?????
lavornia: Hm...I bet this is just some sort of prank. This can't be true. 
niccca: come on, I don't believe that! there has to be a reason why you are invited. i think you should be at least happy for that! what would I give to be at your place! OMG i still can't believe it >.<
lavornia: Like I said, it's probably someone's joke, perhaps someone from our class wanted to make fools out of us. That wouldn't be something new.
niccca: ok, if you are so hard to convince, lets meet tomorrow in front of Venous and find out for ourselves.
lavornia: OK. See you tomorrow.
niccca: you better be there at 8 am - I'm so impatient!!!! OMG lavornia, you're gonna meet the celebs! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
lavornia: Don't excite yourself just yet - we're still not sure whether the invitation is real or not.
niccca: ok mom :P kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
lavornia: Whatever. Good night.
niccca: omg i won't sleep now when i know of this! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Lavornia didn't sleep well that night. She had constant nightmares bothering her and with the same, constant message: Your dreams will come true the way you never planned. She would wake up every now and then, scared and wet from all the sweat that human body produces when adrenaline rules over it's body in fear. In our dreams, fear often seems a lot bigger and more powerful than in reality. But what did cause Lavornia to feel fear? She couldn't find the answer to that question. Instead, she explained it with stress that comes out of everyday life, such as school obligations. Even though she is an A student, she knows that a great success comes with a great amount of stress. Yes, it must be just the stress.

'Good morning honey!' said mom with her usual caring attitude. 
'Morning.' Lavornia replied while yawning and reaching for breakfast her mom made for the family.
'You look pale, honey. Did you sleep well?' asked mom with a worried posture.
'I didn't sleep good at all.' Lavornia replied quietly while humbly eating her toast.
'Did you had a bad dream?' mom continued with her interrogation.
'Well, something like that. But it is really nothing important, just stress from school, I guess. Yes, it must be just that.' Lavornia responded a bit nervously and uneasy.
'Ok honey, but if there is something bothering you, don't keep it for yourself. Remember that Dad and I will always be here to help you, no matter what.' told mom with a caring face and a gentle, supporting smile.
'Tnx Mom.' Lavornia smiled a bit. 
'Do you have plans for today or is it just studying again?' asked mom.
'Oh, I have to go! I'm meeting with Nica today. We agreed to meet today. Is that OK?' Lavornia said quickly like she is hiding something (which she was).
'Yes, sure, I'm fine with that. Just don't come too late. Try to come by the lunch time.' mom replied.
'OK thanks Mom! I'm off, bye!' Lavornia said and exited the house.
'Bye honey! Have fun!'

Lavornia literally rushed to the place where she was supposed to meet with Nica. She didn't know why she was so pumped up for getting there as soon as possible; she had plenty of time to get there by walking normally. Even so, her heart was beating fast and, although she knew it was because of rushing, deep down she was aware of another reason - the invitation. This invitation that could be just a prank, as she explained to Nica, was making her feel uneasy. How was one invitation going to enable her to meet the people she had no respect for the most? It had to be a prank, there was no logical reason that could explain why would she be chosen to be invited. As she was running, she dropped her invitation she had been carrying in her hand and the wind had blown it away, to the Venous hotel entrance itself. Lavornia walked to the entrance to pick up the invitation, and suddenly, Nica was calling her name from the distance.
'Lavornia!' Nica shouted.
'Hey Nica!' responded Lavornia.
'Sorry I'm late, I had to take my brother to grandma.'
'It's ok, I just got here as well.' Lavornia said.
'And who do I owe this pleasure to return this invitation to?' said the voice behind Lavornia's back. She turned and saw the celebrity guard that came to her house yesterday.
'To her! This is my friend's invitation!' Nica replied perkily.
'Oh I see. Then, you mustn't lose the invitation, young lady. Otherwise, you won't be able to attend the event.' guard replied kindly.
'I would like to know why I was invited. There isn't any of the celebrities I know in person, so there isn't a reason for me to be invited.' Lavornia said determinely.
'I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am not familiar with the reason of your invitation. I simply carry out orders I am given.' guard responded seriously, but still with a smiley face.
'How can I be sure that this isn't some sort of trick?' Lavornia asked with a more straight face of a straight face she usually makes when she is serious.
'I can understand your uncertainty in this invitation, however it is the authentic invitation to the celebrity event that will be held in this hotel. If you aren't sure about your arrival, you can pass the invitation to someone else.' guard said nicely.
'Ok, then I pass it to my friend Nica?.' Lavornia responded.
'Oh my God, really? Thank you Lavornia! You're the best! said Nica with a huge excitement and hugged Lavornia.
'Didn't I promise you to give you the invitation, even in the most crazy odds? Well, now I'm just keeping that promise.' Lavornia replied with a nice smile for her friend.
Nica's phone started ringing and she picked up. Her grandma was calling her to come over her place to lunch.
'Ok grandma, I'll be there in 15 minutes. Bye.' (hang up the phone) 'I have to go now, but I just want to say I couldn't be happier to be your friend - you really made my dream come true and I could never thank you for that.' Nica said to Lavornia while hugging her once again.
'You're my friend, I'm glad to make you happy.' Lavornia replied
'Bye then! And goodbye sir, I'll see you on the party!' Nica greeted the guard.
'Goodbye, young lady!' guard replied.

Lavornia felt a relief, like a big stone come off her heart. She smiled as she waved back to Nica.

'Young lady, are you really certain in your decision?' guard asked Lavornia.
'Yes, I am. I never believed in fairytales like my friend, nor ever will.' Lavornia responded with a serious face.
'Well, fairytale or not, it would be pity to miss that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After all, dreams happen the way you never planned.' guard says without blinking, even though he was looking to the distance.
Lavornia got struck by that words as she remembered that was the same message from her nightmares. She looked at the guard and asked: Who are you?

'My young lady, you are yet to find out...'

Monday, August 26, 2013

Story #1, Chapter 2: The Invitation

'Mom, Dad, I'm off to school!' said Lavornia to her parents while coming down the stairs.
'Have a nice day, honey.' replied mom.
'If you ditch, we'll know' said dad while chuckling a bit. 
Lavornia smiled to her dad while leaving the house. On her way to school, Lavornia thought about the theme she always thinks about, 'the life lottery'. She let her mind completely occupied with that until she met her friend Nica on the way.
'Hey beautiful!' shouted and waved Nica while approaching her friend.
'Hey Nica.' Lavornia replied.
'You are always so deep within your thoughts when I see you - just what are you thinking about? What are you occupying yourself with?' asked Nica curiously.
'Me? Nah, nothing important, just random stuff.' Lavornia answered with a smile.
'Ok. Oh, I almost forgot! Have you heard that there will be a huge celebrity event in our town? Some even say that there will be people from our town who will be invited as well, so the ones invited must have be quite special if that's true.' said Nica in a very perky-like way.
'Is that so? Well, I don't believe it - just what makes our boring town so special that such event is ever to be held here? Besides, the second part of your story seems to good to be true.' Lavornia explained with a straight face.
'I know, it's most likely to be a rumor. But, just think about it: wouldn't it be awesome to be invited to such an event where you can meet and mingle with celebrities themselves? said Nica. 
'I'm not interested in that kind of stuff. For me, they are all mortal, just like you and me. Really, nothing special about them.' Lavornia replied, still having a straight face.
'Ok, but, you know, I wouldn't miss if that kind of oppurtunity was to hit me.' Nica said perkyly. 
Lavornia smiled and pat her friend. 'I promise, if I ever, in most crazy odds, get that invitation, I'll give it to you.' she said smiling. 

After school, Lavornia was headed to her home while, suddenly, she stopps. She sees a big, black bus with golden letters that form a phrase 'Money makes us different and that's who we are.' She didn't like the phrase at all, but then some men in black started to come out from the bus - they were guards of some celebrities who were headed to Venous hotel.
'So it's true.' Lavornia said quietly.
When she got home, she told her parents what she saw. They were surprised, but didn't gave too much attention to it. Lavornia thought about it, but after few minutes, her mind was completely focused on her school work; there was just so much homework to do!

When Lavornia was done with all her schoolwork, she decided to chat a bit with Nica. Here is how their converstation went:

lavornia: Hey Nica! Are you done with your HW?
niccca: hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
niccca: no! i'm stuck with it and it's soooooooooooooo boring!
lavornia: Let me help you then. What are you stuck with?
niccca: 4get it, i'm hopeless. hey, have you heard that today a black bus was in front of Venous? Siya told me that it was a celebrity bus and that there were sorounded by guards!
lavornia: I know, I saw them.
niccca: what?????????!!! and you didn't tell me? :O
lavornia: It's not that big of a deal, anyway.
niccca: ofc it's a big deal - that means that event that I told you about is going to be held! see it wasn't a rumor!
lavornia: Whatever I'm not interested in that topic.
niccca: oh come one lavornia, admitt it - such things don't happen every day. so I really don't see why you aren't excited, not even a little bit?
lavornia: I already told you how I feel about that today - there is nothing special about them.
niccca: i disagree, but ok, your opinion...
lavornia: Hey, someone is ringing at the door, I'll be back soon.
niccca: ok
 seen 5 minutes before 
lavornia: Nica
niccca: yes? who was at the door anyway?
lavornia: Celebrity guard. He gave me an invitation to the celebrity party event in Venous...
niccca: :O OMG, you're invited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< OMG!!!!! >.< OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
lavornia: yes, I am...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Story #1, Chapter 1: Meet HER

This story revolves around a girl who is quite an ordinary person with many interests and dreams. She isn't rich or famous. However, she dreams that one day she will have everything she doesn't have now...


'Why do I have so many wishes and dreams, when it's so hard to make them come true? Why are some people blessed with a fabulous, adventurous, fulfilling and happy life, and some are left with almost nothing out of all of the things life has to offer?' the girl wondered with these and many other questions regarding the theme of 'being born under the lucky star'. However, this girl is happy with what she got: loving and supporting parents, dear friend, being an A straight student and health. All she didn't get in 'life lottery'? Life that rich and famous get, all the opportunities they 'have access to' and most importantly, being recognized. She wasn't happy with the fact this world has become divided into two parts: the RICH and the POOR ones. There were no middle-class people anymore - at least, not in the world she lives. You would probably think she has everything she needs in order to be happy, and you're probably right. However, for her, happiness wasn't complete if she doesn't fulfil her interests and dreams - that one missing piece of life puzzle was important enough for her to keep on going in order to acheive it. Afterall, all she wanted was 'the whole life package'.

But, this story will show that the only thing everyone needs in order to change ones life is an OPPORTUNITY. This girl will get an opportunity that will change her life forever, but she won't even be aware of it. 'How come?' you ask. Well, this OPPORTUNITY isn't one of those you simply grab - this one is the one that 'grabs' YOU. After that, nothing will ever be the same.

So, are you ready to hear this story? Are you ready to meet LAVORNIA?


Hello YOU!

Here you can read my stories and comment on them! These stories are FULLY mine and mine only, which means I created them and have author rights on them. However, that doesn't mean that you can't contribute as well - read them and give your ideas on how they can be better! :)

Now, my stories are not going to be those 'once upon a time' or similar stuff, but stories that are product of my imagination and inspiration. Some stories are going to be fantasy, some fiction, some detective, some dark. 

The point? Just letting the INSPIRATION flow within the story itself.

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